In this blog I'll share what I have learned over the years about drawing and painting. My processes creating illustrations, visual development and concept art. I'll share thoughts, techniques and ideas that have worked for me in my career as an illustrator. I hope they inspire , and work for you too!

zaterdag 2 mei 2015

The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit

I love looking at art, I love great stories. I thought it would be nice to share some art and show what it is I like about it. In this painting: The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit, by John Singer Sargent, we see a family portrait. Although the way the girls pose may look coincidental, it was all planned. If we look at the way Sargent places color accents, lines, light and color choices, it becomes clear that he is in charge of what he wants to show us. I love the way the girl on the left is framed, as if it is a picture within the picture. The White dresses stand out in the dark colors he used. A beautiful example of storytelling.

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